Skyrim Shiny Skin Fix

The guilds and factions that make up Skyrim have all become part of who we are and why we love the game so much – especially if you’re like me and you’ve been playing Elder Scrolls since before Skyrim came out.

HDR and radial blur make up for and take care of the shiny stuffs. Removing AA and Aniso is recommended to test if you still have stutters, I'm sure (can't back it up though) that the post. OK, i just came back to play skyrim after my oblivion is now in glitch limbo, and find all characters (myself and NPCs) to have strange glowing skin, it doesn't affect faces or hands but everything else, and its unnoticeable if you wear armour that covers everything, but that's kinda hard to fined, i mean have you searched for armour mods lately? I appreciate any help provided, thx.

As time keeps going by, though, factions start feeling the same.

And we tend to look for ways to make them better or… at the least change a bit about the way they look.

I found myself in the same predicament and I decided to go on a hunt to find the best mods that change factions in subtle and complex ways, to make the game feel a bit different in my next playthrough.

I think the list that I came up with here is actually pretty good, and I really hope you agree. Let’s get to it!

25. College Visitor Pass

What kind of college won’t let you visit it just because you aren’t a member?

I mean, how on Earth am I supposed to know whether I’d like to join if I can’t even see its infrastructure first?

The answer is The College of Winterhold, where they tell you that you can’t pass because you aren’t enrolled, but they probably just want to make you a member first before you check out the decadent state of its grim interiors.

The College Visitor Pass mod allows you to walk and roam freely through the halls of the college, even allowing you to complete side quests that shouldn’t require you to be a college mage to get them done anyway.

24. Thieves Guild Requirements

This mod makes the Thieves Guild much stricter when it comes to who they recruit.

You now need to be a proper thief if you want to join, and you will need to follow requirements if you wish to activate the questline.

23. Underground Gladiator Arena

Oh man, I was super excited when I saw this mod at first.

If you are like me and spent countless hours playing Oblivion, then you probably grew as fond of the arena as I did. That Colosseum feel might be hard to imitate in Skyrim. But this mod is as close as you’ll get to reviving the Oblivion arena as possible.

It adds an underground arena where you can go against some of the strongest fighters in Skyrim and show your true might against countless foes until you face the Grand Champion.

Kill him and become the champion yourself!


22. Trainers Guild for Aspiring Mages

The Trainer’s Guild is a new guild that has opened up in Skyrim, which allows everyone to join them for a fee.

The main objective of this guild is to gather mages who have no sort of affiliation with the College of Winterhold and wish to remain like this, but still wish to form part of an organization that gathers magical talent in the lands.

The mod includes a player home as well as a fence and a new enchanter to spice things up for the Dragonborn and their quest to become the ultimate mage in the land.

21. Work a Steady Job as a Blacksmith

Although not a guild per se, you can become a freelance blacksmith if you choose to install this mod.

How cool is would it be to have a nine to five job in Skyrim?

Probably not that cool I guess, but if that’s what you want to roleplay as then this is the mod for you.

With this installed you get unlimited tasks that you’ll be able to perform and get paid for doing them, and you can keep doing them until you’re bored or if you feel that you have more than enough money already.

It’s your life as a blacksmith in the world of The Elder Scrolls!

20. Aldmeri Dominion Strengthened – Join the Thalmor

Wood Elves, High Elves, and Khajit will now be able to join the ranks of the mythical Thalmor.

All of the Thalmor in the land will become friendly with you after you join them, and although this mod doesn’t bring a whole bunch of quests to the game, it will add new followers as well as the gratitude of the Thalmor instead of their usual disdain towards the player.

What’s even better is that you’ll get to enter the Embassy again after you’ve completed the quest. Gone are the days of hate towards the Dragonborn.

19. Archmage Tolfdir

Being the Archmage of the College of Winterhold is a particularly draining task. And you might want to help the college at first, but taking on the role of their leader is too much for some.

This mod allows you tell Tolfdir to take the role himself, which will make him take the same role as the previous Archmage and live in the quarters of the College wearing the robes.

Keep in mind that this mod will still let you finish quests that need you to be the Archmage to start, so you won’t lose any potential missions.

18. Dark Brotherhood for Good Guys

Well this mod isn’t as “evil-to-good” as the Thieves Guild for Good Guys mod.

But it doesn’t let you study your targets more before you kill them.

You will be an assassin anyway who works for the forces of darkness, but you will learn why some people need to die before you execute each kill.

The mod also reworks the dialogue of the player, so you sound less like Christian Bale in American Psycho and more like Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

I know it’s not much of an improvement, but still.

17. Better Archmage Quarters Inside the College of Winterhold

If you’ve already installed the mod to make Tolfdir become the Archmage, then go back.

You will want to give this mod a try as it makes the quarters of the Archmage inside the College much better.

It will finally feel cozy and not like you’re living in a ruin that seems to be falling apart. Also you get new mannequins. How cool is that?

16. Imperial Legion Armor Variety


Imperial Legionnaires might be fearsome and mighty warriors, but they sure as hell lack a sense of fashion.


It’s not easy to get your battle wears designed by Hugo Boss like the Nazis (yes that happened), but a bit of variation suits everyone well.

This mod makes the Imperial fighters dress differently, as it adds new variations to the way they dress. A simple mod, but visually appealing.

15. All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently

Enough with taking up to two jobs at a time.

With this mod you’ll be able to take all seven types of jobs that the Thieves Guild offers at once.

Gone are the days of not being able to multi-task when it’s actually a simple thing to do for a skilled thief. Make the best use of your skills as possible and take on multiple small jobs at once.

14. Glorious Fort Dawnguard

It’s time to make Fort Dawnguard the best version of itself possible.

Get down to business with this standalone mod that is meant to take you on a mission to rebuild Fort Dawnguard and make it a much more glorious version of itself.

It will get new areas, new patrols, new NPCs, and much more. Just be sure to complete the entire guide!

13. Dawnguard Sentries Plus

Congratulations! If you downloaded this mod, there are now Dawnguard sentinels in every major city in the game to aid citizens and guards in their attempt to fight off vampires.

It really makes no sense for all the forces to be concentrated in Fort Dawnguard or spread thin across the lands when they can easily be patrolling towns and cities to prevent vampires from running havoc.

I have no clue why this isn’t a thing in the base DLC, but it is now after I’ve downloaded the Dawnguard Sentries Plus mod.

12. The Forsworn Legacy

This lore-friendly mod allows the Dragonborn to become part of the Forsworn, one of the weirdest and most frowned-upon factions in the game.

By joining them you’ll be able to interact with their members and even meet new members that aren’t originally in the game.

What’s even better is that the Forsworn Legacy mod comes fully voiced, and all new characters include custom voices that you can enjoy in the game.

11. Vigilant of Stendarr Quests

The Vigilant of Stendarr are some noble warriors that serve under oath to Stendarr, which means that the organization itself is not easy to join.

You will need to fulfill a specific set of requirements if you wish to join the ranks of the organization, but should you happen to be noble warrior you should have no problems in doing so.

In any case, the mod comes with a bunch of quests and things you can do in the organization. All of the mod is voice-acted so immersion won’t be an issue at all.

10. Wars of the Third Era LOTR

Skyrim shiny skin fix reviews

If you’re a Lord of the Rings fan, then you need to check out this mod like right now.

This mod makes it so Uruk warriors are approaching Skyrim and about to invade it, and guess who needs to save the day once again?

Yep that’s right – the guy with the ability to harvest the souls of dragons.

This amazing mod mixes The Elder Scrolls with LOTR to create a compelling and unique story where you’ll be the hero at the end of the day.

Skyrim Glowing Skin Fix

The mod naturally includes new races, battles, weapons, armor, and much more. Check it out and mix two franchises that definitely go really well together.

9. College of Winterhold Glory Days

Imagine if those ancient halls of the College of Winterhold hadn’t seen their best years yet.

Imagine if the best things were yet to come for the College, and it wasn’t as grim-looking as it is in the base game. Well, imagine no further.

You can now download this mod, which will have the college fixed and restored to its former days of glory when things weren’t going too badly for the mages there.

You will get new classrooms, NPCs, students, mages, and a full reconstruction and improvement of the college area like you have always dreamed.

An ideal mod for those that were always disappointed by the state of the college during their Skyrim playthroughs.

8. College of Winterhold Entry Requirements

In my latest Skyrim playthrough I went straight to the College of Winterhold after finishing the first few quests that the game has in store for us.

I had the option to instantly join the college without even knowing basic spells from any of the schools of magic.

Skyrim shiny skin fix

I mean that’s cool and all in terms of inclusion, but it makes no sense for me to join the college without knowing useful spells.

This mod makes it more difficult for the Dragonborn to join the College of Winterhold by adding specific requirements that truly make you worthy of forming part of such a prestigious institution. Train yourself in the various schools of magic and learn before joining an advanced learning institution.

You may want to combine this mod with the College Visitor Past that I ranked at the 25th spot, as it will allow you to enter the college with a pass even when you’re not a member.

7. Thieves Guild Redone

Progress through the main story of the Thieves Guild by completing its fantastic questline as always, but watch as the environment in which the thieves live actually improve as the guild evolves.

Gone are the days of beds being added to the headquarters and thieves going crazy about them.

It’s time to have those Thieves Guild locations really improved, and this mod aims to do just that.

You’ll notice how many things get added to the grounds of the Ragged Flagon and Thieves Guild Headquarters, including lightning, furniture, and even loot.

Make the best of these new improvements that will truly reflect the growth of the Thieves Guild!

6. Dark Brotherhood Reborn

Man, why do all assassins and darkness-dwellers get portrayed as filthy scum that live in things that either look like sewers or smell like them?

I mean just because I go around killing people for a living doesn’t mean I don’t have a proper sense for décor, right?

I know you agree with me – especially if you’re a massive fan of the Dark Brotherhood like me (even though it was better in Oblivion).

This mod changes the Dawnstar sanctuary and makes it truly feel like a base for the Dark Brotherhood.

You will be able to see how true assassins live in Skyrim, and not how they were originally portrayed by Bethesda.

5. Become a Bard

Yay, bards! I don’t know why such an iconic RPG class was left out of playable Skyrim characters (and TES in general), but bards are now in full force in Skyrim thanks to the Become a Bard mod.

New quests, new songs, and much more await those who wish to walk the path of music in Skyrim.

No need to be a warrior anymore.

It’s time for you to pick up your trusty ukulele and sing the songs of the ancient.

4. Enhanced Skyrim Factions – The Companions Guild

This mod is a complete rework of how the Companions Guild works.

You will no longer be able to become the leader of such a prestigious institution by being a low-level warrior, or a weak mage. You will have to earn your way through the ranks of the Companions and truly show that you’re worth being the leader of this amazing guild.

The mod improves story progression and adds new requirements that are meant to make rising through the Companions Guild ranks ever more satisfying.

3. Thieves Guild for Good Guys

Now this amazing mod completely reworks the Thieves Guild and allows you to become a member of the guild without sending anyone to jail, or even being a bad thief.

The mod incorporates various voiced quests to the game, which are meant to make the Thieves Guild restore its long-lost honor in Skyrim.

You can make the Thieves Guild a completely different entity to what it is. And it’ll all be done at the hands of the Dragonborn.

Not all thieves are bad guys, right? Show it!

2. Sokco’s Guild Starter

It’s time for you to start the guild that you always wished it existed in Skyrim.

Create your own faction and choose why you’ve created in, recruit members, and even choose a base for your guild to exist.

You can have up to 10 guild members in your guild but almost anyone in the game can be recruited. How cool is this! Definitely give it a try if you have time.

1. Hunting in Skyrim – A Hunting Guild

Alright, I’m not going into much detail with this mod because I really want you to try it out yourself.

The mod doesn’t only add a Hunter’s Guild; you will also be able to experience hunting like never before with the ability to skin game, trapping, and even stat tracking for your kills.

It’s a marvelous mod and I recommend to anyone that’s reading this if you like the hunting mechanics in RDR2.

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The CBBE edition of Calientes female body replacer for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim game.


Skyrim Shiny Skin Fix Mod

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This is a Skyrim body replacer that replaces the base female body with one that is a little more curvacious. If you loved the HGEC bodies from Oblivion, you will feel right at home with this one -- it is based on the proportions of that mod.
The body mesh is a completely custom mesh, at more than double the resolution of version 0.1. Care was taken to maintain match between vanilla head, hands and feet to reduce seams as much as possible. Included is a completely custom texture and reworked normal map to fit the body. The seams are blended with the vanilla texture to reduce visibility of seams. Also redone are the mesh weights for animation, offering improved deformation in many poses.
For those who have downloaded the new High Res Texture pack DLC:
By default, the texture pack overrides all of the texture files in skyrim/data/textures. To fix:
1) Find the correct .ini file
- for most users, it will be the My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/skyrim.ini.
- for others, it will be the Skyrim/Skyrim_default.ini.
2) Open the file and search for sResourceArchiveList
3) Edit the line after that to add the values and save the file:
HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa someplace after 'Skyrim - Textures.bsa'.
The line should be something very similar to:
sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
Make extra sure you have commas after all the file names, or Skyrim will quietly crash.
4) When loading the game in the launcher, choose 'Data Files' and uncheck the two high-res texture packs. Don't worry, they'll still work in game.
If the problem persists, and you are using XCE (Xenius Character Enhancement mod)
-- Download and install the latest version of that mod without the .ESP files. Version 1.11 or later.
To help understand why this is needed, files in Skyrim are loaded in this order:
- *.bsa Files registered in C:/.../Skyrim/Skyrim_default.ini and/or Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Skyrim.ini.
- Loose files found in the Skyrim/Data folder.
- *.bsa Files activated through a plugin, an *.esp file.
Each one overwrites the previous thing. So, as the HD Textures DLCs use .esps in the launcher, they will overwrite the 'loose files' in the Data folder, such as the files in this mod.
CBBE comes with three main options for body shapes: Curvy, Slim, and Vanilla, and these also come in an optional 'nevernude' version. The nude textures are shaved, but there are mods and Caliente's Texture Blender for further options.
Curvy, known as 'standard', is based on the original CBBE, and comes with large breasts (DD-H) and wider/fuller hips and bottom.
Slim is a version of CBBE with smaller breasts (A-C), and while it also has wide hips/fuller bottom, they are much smaller than Curvy. This can be found in the Options folder of the main download.
Vanilla is based on the Vanilla body, and made to work with CBBE textures. The breasts are lowered/reshaped to make them look more realistic, and go from B-D, while the waist is thicker than the other CBBE types. This can be found in the Options folder.
Nevernude are the Curvy, Slim and Vanilla bodies that have underwear. These are found in the Options folder.
BodySlide An application that allows you to mix and match various options included in CBBE; for example, with it you can have the Curvy body's hips/bottom at maximum, with the Slim body's breasts at minimum. This tool also has the 'Super Silly Huge' sizes, and the Breast and Butt Physics option; if you wish to use BBP, you must install another mod before you install any part of CBBE/BodySlide to prevent CTDs. The version of BodySlide in the CBBEv3 archive is out of date; be sure to download and install the latest version from the Optional Downloads.
Highly recommended is the More Sliders mod by Moonballz, which has 15+ new sliders to customise your CBBEv3 bodies with.
CBBE Official Face Pack is an optional download for those who don't feel like searching for a decent face mod. See user images for previews.
1. Look at the mod images to decide which version you prefer.
2. Download the single archive that contains all body shape versions.
3. Use 7zip to open the file. You will see three folders, and a text file.
4. Select the 'textures' and 'meshes' folders (ctrl+click) and then click on 'extract'. A small window will popup, asking where you want the files extracted to. Assuming your Skyrim game hasn't been moved from your Steam folder, and you use Window 7/Vista, you will want to direct it to go to: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Skyrim/Data
Click 'OK' and the files will be installed. If you're on a Mac, or another version of Windows, or you've moved your Skyrim files elsewhere, you'll need to locate your Steam folder/where Skyrim is and extract these two files to Skyrim/Data.
5. (Optional) There is a folder called 'Options'. Inside are various choices, such as Slim, Vanilla, and Nevernude options for these. If you would like to use one of these, just go into one of these folders and follow step 4 again to install it.
6. Download the Hip Fix file for the body of your choice. A Vanilla body can use either the Slim or the Curvy skin texture. Install the file as in step 4.
7. (Optional) In 'BodySlide' there are files which you can use to customise the body mesh to whatever you like. This tool also has the option to make the bodies BBP compatible. Be sure to follow the readme included.
8. Go into the TexBlend folder and click on the TexBlend.exe. This should automatically repair neckseams between the body and whatever face texture you use. You will need to have installed a head texture mod prior to this, and may need to reinstall the head texture first if you have used the Seam Removal Kit/TexBlend in the past to fix seams in 2.0.
9. (Optional) Download Caliente's Texture Blender and use this to add tattoos, pubic hair, and a few other options. If the TexBlend included in the archive doesn't work, you will have to use this to fix seams manually.
Nexus Mod Manager.
Download and install as you would any other NMM mod. This version comes with a FOMOD scripted installer to make it easier for you to install the body of your choice. If you wish to fix seams or use the BodySlide options, you will then need to use those tools separately after you installed the body.
Delete all the files you installed/use NMM to uninstall them. See 'Troubleshooting' for a list of what/where these files are. You may still need to uninstall files manually if you try uninstalling with NMM.
Q: How should I report a problem not covered by the FAQ/Troubleshooting area?
A: Describe the problem, but also include: The body used (Curvy, Slim, Vanilla; Nude or Nevernude), and if you used any options in the BodySlide tool, such as BBP. Note that we are not mindreaders, so saying the 'textures are weird' doesn't help with troubleshooting your problem. A screenshot of the issue would also be useful for troubleshooting.
Q: Does this affect NPCs?
A: It's a female body mod. Of course it does.
Q: Is this/can you make this mod BBP compatible?
A: It's been BBP compatible for some time. You need to install Cherry's BBP mod, followed by the base CBBE body (allow overwrites), and then use the BodySlide utility to make the bodies compatible.
Q: Why aren't the bodies changing from default/why doesn't my char have nipples/why does my char have a 'double bellybutton'/why does my char have a gap at the hips with CBBEv3?
A1: See troubleshooting area.
A2: You're not using CBBE-compatible textures. Please ensure that the textures you are using are ones for the CBBE body you installed; CBBE2 textures will not work with CBBE3 bodies, XCE 1.1 has an incompatible .esp (see below for that fix), as will any other body replacers that have .esps, and if you use the HD texture DLC, unless you do the .ini fix, the DLC will overwrite the body textures. Also, again, only Khajiit textures are supported here for the time being. See Supporting Mods section for other CBBE-compatible beast race skins.
Q: I installed correctly, but why have none of the female NPCs bodies changed?
A: This is a body replacer, not an armour/clothing replacer. You'll need to download a CBBE compatible mod, such as Caliente's Vanilla Armour for CBBE.
Q: How do I remove npc clothing?
A1: Open the console (~ on US keyboards, ¬ on UK), click on the npc, type: unequipall
Hit enter, close console, npc is now naked.
A2: Remove NPC Armour and Shirt script by overdriven_pickle
Q: How do I change my character's weight?
A1: Console, 'showracemenu'. This'll bring up the character creation screen. Close console to make your edits, and save. Use the 'tgm' command so you wont have to reload your save after. You'll need to use 'tgm' again once you're done.
A2: Console, 'player.setweight 1-100'. 1 = smallest size, 100 = largest.
Q: How do I change npc weight?
A: Console, click on npc, type: setnpcweight 1-100. May cause bugs, most of which are resolved by changing zones.
Q: How do I remove seams between the head and body?
A1: Use the TexBlendLite application included in the download. There may still be a very slight seam, which will be dealt with some time in the future.
A2: Download the full version of TexBlend and apply the fixes manually.
A3: Install a face texture mod that already has a 'CBBE NeckSeam fix' applied, such as the Official CBBE Face Pack.
Q: Can you make a body texture with pubic hair/tattoos/dirt/beast race/elderly women support?
A: For various body features, use Caliente's Texture Blender to apply things such as pubic hair and tattoos. Other modders have made dirty skin textures, so see the Supporting Mods section for those. Khajiit textures are now available for download, and Argonian textures may come in the future. Very few people, if any, play elderly women (or elderly characters in general), so it's not likely any support for them will ever come.
Q: Which face mods should I use?
A: Which ever one you like the most. CBBE has a face pack available that is compatible with CBBEv3. Popular ones are Bella's and MrLenski's. There are some mods, such as 'Pretty Face Pack' and the Oriental/Ashen race, that already have the neck seam fixes applied. Note that there will be an obvious colour difference should you use a 'dirty' face texture, like XCE, without a CBBE-compatible dirty body texture.
Q: Can you make X body shape?
A: Due to having a lot of things on the list already, while the answer here is 'Eventually', in reality other mod authors may beat me to the punch. Check the 'planned updates' area before requesting, and check around the Nexus; there are already a number of mods out there that may have the body shape you're after (for instance, there is a SSH Breast and Butt mod, and a Rubenesque body mod). You may also want to look at the More Sliders mod by moonballz. If you can't find what you're looking for, I'll be happy to listen to what you'd like to see. :)
Q: How do I make this mod compatible with the High Resolution Textures DLC?
A: You'll need to make a few edits in the Skyrim.ini or Skyrim_default.ini. See the beginning of the mod description for instructions.
Q: BodySlide fails to create the bodies I make. How can I get the meshes installed?
A: Make your changes to the sliders, and then Ctrl+Click the 'Create Bodies' button. The femalebody_0.nif and femalebody_1.nif will then appear in the BodySlide folder. You will then need to copy these to your Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets directory, and allow any overwrites.
Q: Why are there gaps (blank colour at hips) or misplaced textures when I equip vanilla clothing/armour, or why are there gaps/misplaced textures with CBBE armour/clothes after I upgrade to a new version?
A: Vanilla clothing/armour hasn't been converted to fit to these bodies yet. When you equip the armour/clothes, you're using the vanilla body mesh, with CBBE's textures, and they don't match up. Vanilla armor and clothing replacers are planned to start coming out soon.
As for armours/clothes previously compatible, it's possible in newer versions of CBBE the the textures have been changed; this is the case with the v3 bodies. This can cause gaps/large seams or missing textures entirely after you update and try to use mods for the v2 bodies. Best you can do is ask the modders who made the mods to update their files, or just wait until they're compatible again.
Q: Why am I getting black body textures after playing for a while?
A1: The longer you play, the more RAM/VRAM gets used up. After a while of playing, especially if you use higher-res textures such as CBBE, there isn't enough RAM/VRAM to load the textures. This was a very common issue at the beginning of Skyrim modding, before the 4GB mod and BethSoft's LAA patch. It is recommended you have a decent video card and more than 4GB RAM to help prevent this from happening. If you can't, then simply restarting Skyrim should solve the issues for a while. You can also go into an interior cell, open the console, and enter 'pcb' to purge cell buffers and free up memory.
A2: The body textures weren't saved with mipmaps originally, which can cause the body textures to go black. You can fix this by downloading and installing the 'mip maps' file for your body mod, found in the optional downloads.
Q: The supporting mods section says XCE is compatible, but when I use it with CBBE, the body textures aren't clean and there are blank patches at the hips/misplaced textures around the breasts. Why?
A: At some point Xenius decided to turn his mod into an .esp. If you look at the information about load orders under the HRT DLC fix instructions, you'll see why that is a problem. The latest version of XCE thankfully doesn't have an .esp, so uninstall your current version of the mod, and download/install the newest version, to fix this problem.
Q: After using TexBlend, my character's face has large white/shiny blocky areas. How do I fix this?
A1: Disable compression in the texblend/setdefs/basehead.xml file. Look for the female head specular map and set compresstex from 1 to 0. (it's on line 35). Then reinstall the mod's head textures, and reapply texblend.
A2: Go to your Skyrim/Data/Textures/actors/character/female folder and delete It's not ideal, but it should fix the issue. The is the 'specular map', which controls how shiny or dull a face texture is. For a very small number of people, using TexBlend causes it to become buggy.
A3: For some people, a total reinstall of CBBE and the head texture of your choice fixes it.
A4: Usually this occurs with Bella's face texture #3. One user has said installing the 'no shine' option from that mod fixes it.
Q: Why am I getting CTDs (Crashes to Desktop) whenever I use a body with BBP (Breast and Butt Physics) enabled?
A1: You haven't installed BBP.
A2: You have installed BBP, which comes with a lot of its own bugs; many of which cause CTDs, especially if you try to use it with an elf character. The best you can do is report it to the mod author (not here, as Caliente has no control over the animations) and not use a body with BBP for now.
A3: You have installed BBP, but installed it after CBBE.
A4: You installed BBP, then changed your mind and went to uninstall it. Check the BBP mod for the exact files it adds, remove -all- of them from your Skyrim/Data directory, then reinstall CBBE, including any non-BBP options you used with BodySlide.
A5: It's possible that the latest version of BBP is not compatible with the bodies created in BodySlide. BodySlide was made for a version of BBP that came out a while ago, and BBP has most likely been updated since then. The only 'fix' for now is to not use BBP for now, and wait for a proper fix to the problem, or else use an older version of BBP.
Q: Why does TexBlend fail and say 'Failed to save Color/Normalmap/Specular output' when I go to fix seams?
A: You need to install a head texture first that has a, a, and a This is not the case with the NMM version, as if you do not have a face mod installed, it will install the default Skyrim vanilla head textures. If TexBlendLite (included in the CBBEv3 download) doesn't work, download and use the full version of TexBlend.
If the mod appears not to be working, the most common cause is incorrectly placed files. Please ensure the files below are in the correct place. Also, if all else fails, try removing all other mods prior to installing CBBE. If it works, then you likely had a conflict of some kind with another mod. You can figure out which one by installing your mods one at a time and checking to see which one breaks CBBE.
The files you're looking for are:
Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/femalebody_0.nif
Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/femalebody_1.nif
Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/femalehands_0.nif
Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/femalehands_1.nif
Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/femalefeet_0.nif
Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/femalefeet_1.nif
Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/1stpersonfemalehands_0.nif
Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/1stpersonfemalehands_1.nif
Vanilla armour/clothes conversions for Slim/Curvy/Vanilla bodies. In Progress.
New armour/clothes.
Version 3.0
- Tweaked and fixed meshes and textures.
- One-step 'TexBlend' application to fix neck seams.
- Nevernude for all versions.
- More size options with a 'BodySlide' tool.
- Optional breast animations/weighting.
Version 2.1. (hands, HEAD and feet update)
- Seamless body.
- Improved feet and hands.
- Improved body textures.
Version 2.0
- Higher Resolution mesh provides smoother curves and lighting
- Improved animation weighting provides somewhat better deformation during animation (still some ugliness from the animations themselves -- weights can only fix so much). Shoulders, thighs, and knees are greatly helped by this.
- New UVs, both a blessing and a curse, allows for more detail in certain areas. The downside: old textures and normal map will look strange.
- New Texture and Normal map created from scratch. Necessary to match the new UVs, the texture is a cleaner, softer looking one than the vanilla texture.
Version 1.0
- Initial meshes.
- Fixed size breasts, shaved texture options.
These are mods that fit the CBBE bodies, from armour/clothing replacers, new armours/clothes, to skin textures and underwear retextures. Be aware that not all of these will be compatible with the latest version of CBBE; to help out, all mods now have a brief description saying the version it uses, and if it's a replacer or not. If you find more, feel free to leave a comment.
Note that all armours/clothes will work fine on any CBBE body, as long as it's the same version (v1, v2 or v3); just if you put an armour in the 'Curvy' category on a character with a 'Slim' body, she'll suddenly get a larger bust - the opposite goes for putting a 'Slim' armour on a 'Curvy' body.
Official CBBE replacer for all bodies+BodySlide:
Caliente's Vanilla Armour for CBBE CBBEv3. Vanilla armour/clothing replacer that keeps the style of the vanilla items, but makes them fit the CBBE bodies.
Armor/Clothes for BodySlide:
Tribal Glass by Lustrianna CBBEv3. Stand-alone armour based on the Forsworn armour. Includes weapons.
Adamantine Crystal Gear by Lustrianna CBBEv3. Stand-alone armour based on the Forsworn armour. Includes weapons and an armoured horse.
Additional Sliders for BodySlide:
Bodyslide - More Sliders by moonballz
Topless presets for Bodyslide by Msxyz
Armour/Clothes for Curvy:
The Art of Magicka by Zonzai and Kalell CBBEv3. Stand-alone mod that includes many new items fit for magic lovers. Many clothing pieces based on the Nocturnal Robe.
Revealing Elven Armour by chojinzero CBBEv1/v2. Topless Elven armour replacer.
Revealing Orcish Armour by chojinzero CBBEv1/v2. Topless Orcish armour replacer.
Nocturnal Dress by Caliente CBBEv1. Replaces the female Fine Clothes 02 with Nocturnal Robe fitted to the original CBBE body.
Cleric Armour Upgrade Ebony by Sharda CBBEv2. Replaces the Ebony and/or Wolf armour with a combination of the Nocturnal Robe and various parts of the Ebony armour.
Transparent Short Nocturnal Robe by Nalim666 CBBEv1. Replaces various armours/clothing with a see-through version of the Nocturnal Robe.
Revealing DarkStar Armour by lodendarkstar CBBEv1. Replaces various armours/clothing with more revealing versions.
DarkStar Armour by lodendarkstar CBBEv1. Replaces various armours/clothes.
Nocturnal Robe Arch-Mage Replacer by domaik CBBEv1. Replaces the female Arch-Mage robe with Nocturnal's Robe.
Skimpy Steel by killerkeo CBBEv2. Replaces the Steel armour with a skimpier version.
Nocturnal Ghost by Rhypez CBBEv3. Replaces Nocturnal's Robe with a see-through version.
Super Skimpy Forsworn Armour by killerkeo CBBEv2. Replaces the Forsworn armour with a much skimpier version.
Forsworn Armour by alphietheartist CBBEv1. Replaces the Forsworn armour to have a CBBE mesh.
Mage Robes by alphietheartist CBBEv1. Replaces the mage robes with more revealing versions.
Skimpy Nightingale by killerkeo CBBEv2. Replaces the Nightingale armour with a skimpier version.
Revealing Dark Leather by chojinzero CBBEv1/v2. Topless leather armour replacer.
DarkStar Armour Bigger by lodendarkstar CBBEv1. Replaces various armours/clothes, but with a larger bust.
Skimpy Glass Armour by killerkeo CBBEv2. Replaces Glass armour with a much skimpier version.
Skimpy Armour Set WIP by killerkeo CBBEv2/v3. Replaces many clothing/armour items with skimpier versions.
Armour and Clothing Replacer by uglykidcid CBBEv2. Replaces various clothing/armour items with skimpy or revealing meshes.
Skimpy Falmer Armour by ketwaroo CBBEv2. Replaces the Falmer armour with an even skimpier version.
Revealing Skimpy Thieves Guild Armour by uraleya CBBEv2. Replaces Thieves Guild and/or Guild Master armour with a revealing mesh.
Skimpy Nord Plate by gor99 CBBEv2. Nord plate armour replacer, combining the Nord Plate and Nocturnal Robe meshes.
HQ Barkeep Outfit by efran20 CBBEv2. Retextures the barkeep outfit and makes the skirt shorter.
Summer Fashion by TigerfishBites CBBEv2. Replaces various robes/dresses/outfits with ones more suitable for summer time.
Skimpier Elven Armour by MrMiggins CBBEv2. Replaces the Elven armour with a skimpier version.
Super Revealing Elven by jammer2006 CBBEv2. Replaces the Elven armour with a revealing/topless version.
Nude and Bunny Dragonscale by uraleya CBBEv2. Replaces Dragonscale armour mesh with two versions, topless and skimpy.
Nocturnal Ebony Armour by loyalxulin CBBEv2. Replaces Ebony armour with a revealing mesh.
Super Revealing Translucent Glass Armour by jammer2006 CBBEv2. Replaces Glass armour with a see-through version. Seems to be based on KillerKeo's mesh.
A Little Sexy Apparel Replacer by cotyounoyume CBBEv3. Replaces various armours/clothes with skimper or slightly revealing versions.
Full Moon Bikini by sixt6 File hidden for now.
Ashara Romantic Outfit by SydneyB CBBEv2/v3. New meshes/textures. Standalone dress and replacer for the wedding and/or party outfits.
Distressed Blacksmith Retexture by navetsea CBBEv2. Replaces the female blacksmith clothes to be more revealing.
Daedric Restyle by Kamikazi2142 CBBEv1. Replaces the female Daedric armour.
Sexy Glass Armour Replacer by Nikitaa CBBEv2. Replaces Glass armour with a somewhat skimpier mesh.
Super Revealing Armour Sets by jammer2006 CBBEv2. Replaces various armours with revealing/topless versions.
Dynasty Armour by drakishar CBBEv3. Based on/port of the Dynasty Armour in Oblivion, so new meshes/textures for Skyrim. Skimpy and chainmail version available.
Sapphire Teal Ebony killerkeo Armour HD by GameNinjaPro CBBEv2. Retexture of another mod. Requires KillerKeo's skimpy armour mod WIP.
Fiona Armour by Nikitaa CBBEv3. New dress/boots based on/port of the Oblivion mod.
Sexy Ebony armor pack by Toolapb CBBEv3. Ebony armour replacer that shows more skin than vanilla.
Imperial Armor by Cecil101 CBBEv3. New armour based on various vanilla meshes, but with more skin showing.
Sexy Imperial Armor Pack by Toolapb CBBEv3. Replaces the Imperial armour with a skimpier version.
Ultimate Dynasty Armour Collection by cchoay CBBEv3. Stand-alone mod, includes several retextures of the Dynasty Armour.
Sexy Ebony Armor by Toolapb CBBEv3. Replaces the Ebony armour with a slightly skimpier or more revealing version.
Layer Bikini by anano CBBE3. New mesh/textures, comes in various colours.
Revealing Nordplate by SIGMAN1 CBBEv3. Revealing replacer based on Toolapb's meshes
Daedric Armor variation of Killer Keos Skimpy Armor by woutervh Hidden file.
Rappelz Armor by newermind43 CBBEv3. New standalone armour based on those in the game 'Rappelz'.
Survivors Cuirass by calyps CBBEv3. New, somewhat revealing standalone armour.
Ancient Nord and Saviors Hide by echo 1162 CBBEv3. Replaces the named armours with 'push-up' versions, and cuts away a little of the material to show a bit more skin.
Swordmage Robes by Neovinci CBBEv3. New standalone outfits for magic-loving characters.
Zlushka Stockings by DVd CBBEv3. New textures/meshes, standalone items that use new body slot.
Topless Blades Armor by FXtreme CBBEv3. Replaces Blades armour with topless/revealing one.
Push Up Sexy Bikini by Nikitaa CBBEv3. Standlone bikini mod with 'push-up' effect.
Pushup Glass Armor by Nikitaa CBBEv3. Replaces Glass armour with a somewhat skimpier version with 'push-up' effect.
Falmer Darkseeker Armor by echo 1162 CBBEv3. Replaces the Falmer armour with a somewhat skimpier version with 'push-up' effect.
Slick Catsuit by Nalim CBBEv2/3. Standlone skin-tight armour mod with various textures.
Armor from Spriggan Wood by Nalim CBBEv3. Standalone revealing armour with new meshes/textures.
HiRes Heavy Imperial Armor for by FXtreme CBBEv3. Replaces the heavy Imperial armour with a slightly skimpier mesh and retexture.
Nana by Gatti CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone revealing bondage armour.
Reinare by Gatti CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone skin-tight bondage armour.
Misogi Armor by Gatti CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, skimpy standalone armour.
Leeloo Armor by EmTschi CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, based on clothing from 'The Fifth Element', standalone armour mod.
Remodeled Armor by MAK CBBEv3. Replaces various armours with much skimpier versions.
Neo Slave Leia for Skyrim by Neovinci CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, based on Leia's slave outfit in Star Wars, standalone armour mod.
Dark Lilith Sexy Succubus Armor by Nikitaa CBBEv3. Standalone skimpy armour mod with 'push-up' effect.
Evilrose Armor by Gatti CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone skin-tight bondage armour.
Malos Skuld Armor by Malo CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone 'bikini' armour.
Argent Armour by Ilias CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone 'bikini' armour.
Neo Outlander Armours by Neovinci CBBEv3. Standalone armour with new meshes/textures. Somewhat skimpy.
Satsuki Armor by Gatti CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod with new meshes/textures.
Thieves Guild Duelist Armor by Echo 1162 CBBEv3. Standalone and replacer versions, new meshes/textures, based on Hentai's Karliah2 armour mod, utilises the 'push-up' effect.
Fiora Armor Set by Shadowtroop CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod, new meshes/textures, has close-fitting and skin-tight versions.
Annelotte Armor by Gatti CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod, new meshes/textures.
Hircines Blessed Bikini by Fgem CBBEv3. New textures/meshes, standalone armour 'bikini' mod.
Outlander Armours II by Neovinci CBBEv3. Standalone armour with new meshes/textures. Somewhat skimpy.
Field Mage Outfit by Echo 1162 CBBEv3. Standalone armour with 'push-up' effect.
Branwen Armor by Gatti CBBEv3. Standalone armour with new meshes/textures. Somewhat skimpy.
Demothris Sexy Armor by Nikita CBBEv3. Standalone skimpy armour mod with 'push-up' effect.
Kashiwazaki Sena by Animetica CBBEv3. Standalone skin-tight armour with new meshes/textures. Anime-themed.
Malos Vidar Armor by Malo CBBEv3. Standalone semi-revealing armour mod.
Siggy Armor by Gatti CBBEv3. Standalone skin-tight armour with new meshes/textures.
Diano Armor by NPR CBBEv3. Standalone skimpy armour mod.
Mighty Gorgon Armor by Fgem CBBEv3. Standalone skimpy armour mod. Utilises KillerKeo's meshes.
Irma Armor by Gatti CBBEv3. Standalone semi-revealing armour mod.
Tenshi - Tachibana Kanade by Animetica CBBEv3. Standalone armour with new meshes/textures. Anime-themed. Also includes a weapon.
Ribbon Miko by Animetica CBBEv3. Standalone armour with new meshes/textures. Anime-themed.
Astrea by Animetica CBBEv3. Standalone armour with new meshes/textures. Anime-themed.
Dark Wind Armor by Nausicaa CBBEv3. Standalone, based on the Oblivion armour, converted from another mod to fit CBBE.
Temptress Dress by fizz CBBEv3. Standalone armour based on the 'Temptress Dress' from Vindictus Online.
Armour/Clothes for Curvy & Slim:
Triss Armor Retextured by Psyke23 and oldholo CBBEv2/v3. Standalone or replacer, new meshes/textures, based on armour from The Witcher 2.
Daedric Female by laxi2610 CBBEv2. Daedric armour replacer, semi-revealing.
Silverlight Armor 099 by jojjo CBBEv3. Standalone armour, based on/port of the Oblivion mod. Includes skimpy and chainmail variants, different pauldron options, and also includes an optional weapons download.
Leere Armor by NPR CBBEv2/v3. Standalone, new meshes/textures.
LeatherBound Huntress Armour by Shadowtroop and DeannaRose24 CBBEv3. Standalone, new meshes/textures. Includes two texture options.
Argent Iron Armor by NPR CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone armour. Somewhat skimpy.
Updated Silverlight Armor by lustrianna22 CBBEv3. Standalone mod, updated textures of Jojjo's Silverlight armour. 'Old files' archive with just the textures can be used to replace those in Jojjo's mod to get other mesh options.
Malos Bejla Armor by Malo CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone 'bikini' armour.
Heilige Mutter Armor by NPR CBBEv3. Standalone armour, based on/port of the Oblivion mod.
Project Sekirei by Nikitaa CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone clothing with a Japanese theme. Uses 'push-up' effect.
Astaroth Suit by NPR CBBEv3. Standalone armour with new meshes/textures.
Neo Oriental Dress by Neovinci CBBEv3. Standalone armour/clothing with new meshes/textures. Chinese-themed.
Tali Armors by ShadowTroop CBBEv3. Futuristic armour based on Tali's outfits from the Mass Effect series. New meshes/textures.
Armour/Clothes for Slim:
Karliah Armour by Hentai CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod with new meshes/textures. Seemingly inspired by the Thieves Guild armour.
Jamella Armor by Hentai CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod with new meshes/textures. Slightly skimpy.
Jamella Armor with Skirt by Hentai CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod with new meshes/textures, indenticle to the previous Jamella armour mod, other than an added mini-skirt.
Witch Girl Robe by Ochinsama CBBEv3. Standalone skin-tight armour, new meshes/textures.
Eisen Platte Armor by NPR CBBEv2/v3. Standalone, new meshes/textures.
A Clothes by Hentai CBBEv3. Standalone armour/dress mod, has a slight WoW theme (necklace), new meshes/textures.
Saber Dress by Hentai by Hentai CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone armour/dress mod,
Hentai's Void Armor by Nausicaa CBBEv3. Requires the original mod (link in description).
Eisen Platte Armor ReColor by NPR CBBEv3. Requires the original mod as this is a retexture mod.
HENTAIGALE Armor by Nausicaa CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone mod, seems inspired by the Nightingale armour.
Two Casual Wears by Nausicaa CBBEv3. Standalone, includes two clothing items.
Maxi Armor by Nausicaa CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod, new meshes/textures.
Karliah2 Armor by Nausicaa CBBEv3. Standalone mod, new meshes/textures, has a shirtless version.
Ritter Armor by NPR CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, has two versions, standalone mod.
Nightmare Armor by Hentai CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod, new meshes/textures, seemingly based on the Nightingale armour.
Kara by Nausicaa CBBEv3. Standalone 'bikini' armour mod, new meshes/textures.
Succubus Armor by Hentai CBBEv3. New meshes/textures, standalone armour mod, somewhat skimpy.
Juliet Uniform by Hentai by Nausicaa CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod, new meshes/textures.
Oblivion Nightmare Armour by Nausicaa CBBEv3. Standalone armour mod, ported from Oblivion, new meshes/textures.
Succubus By Hentai - Gift by Nausicaa CBBEv3. Based on Hentai's Succubus armour mod. Adds new options.
Nymph by Animetica CBBEv3. Standalone armour with new meshes/textures. Anime-themed.
Armour/Clothes for Vanilla:
None yet.
Compatible Skin Textures for Nude:
Athletic Nude by Valstein0 CBBEv2.
Female Khajiit by Nalim666 CBBEv2.
High-Res 4k Nude by khajitsree CBBEv2.
Beast Race Beautiful by billystanton CBBEv2/v3.
Tattoo Female by Baricata CBBEv1.
Pantyhose and Tattoo by hype83 CBBEv2.
Tattoo for Nude Texture by alekshan CBBEv2.
Nethers Nude for SLIM by Skeuomorph CBBEv2.
Beast Race Normal Maps for SLIM by sfyak CBBEv2.
Full Body Tattoo by jammer2006 CBBEv2.
4096x Body Texture by AnTiWoMaAgNoT CBBEv2.
Khajiit Nude Texture by KisaFayd CBBEv3.
Tattoo Pack by jammer2006 CBBEv2.
Erotic Tattoos by candymanXXL CBBEv2.
Tramp Stamp Collection by rajzz CBBEv2.
Another Nude Khajiit Skin by bluedraggy CBBev3.
Erotic Tattoos 4096x by candymanXXL CBBEv2.
Alternative Nude Texture by XdyeXD CBBEv3.
Black Sexy Catsuit by Black WidowmakerCBBEv2.
Skin by navetsea CBBEv3.
Vagrant Story Osana Tattoo by Garrett666 CBBEv3.
Dirty Vanilla-Style Skin by 5360 CBBEv3.
Tattoos by candymanXXL CBBEv3.
Pubic Hair Styles by LFox CBBEv3.
Lace linge by Soplet CBBEv3.
Body ReTexture Full Length Leggings by Shadowx541 CBBEv3.
Tattoos by roberto400 CBBEv3.
GlossTech - Glossy-Gloss Skin by MonoS94 CBBEv3.
MGS Snake Eater Boss Chest Scar by Shwangk CBBEv3.
Sporty Sexy Map by Xs2reality CBBEv3.
Darahs Fighter Texture by Fgem CBBEv3.
Tattoo for 4096 by da bat CBBEv3.
Compatible Textures for Nevernude:
XCE by Xenius CBBEv3 - nevernude skin texture, not underwear.
Cute Lingerie by FallenJudge
Christmas Bikini by Loverbr
Dovahkiin Edition - Bikini Underwear by Loverbr
Semi-Transparent Underwear by Voodootool
Striped Underwear by esmm40
Gothic Ornamental Underwear by poliorketika
Thepal for the nice nude females texture. (v0.1)
Raiar for the original HGEC body, and Exnem before him :)
MxR on Youtube for the v1.0 video:
Danariel for the Pretty Lips
AluminumFoil for Eyebrows Match Hair 1.1
tktk1 for Pretty Face Pack base textures.
- Caliente