Toontown Rewritten Important Tips

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Howdy! I’m sure you’ve seen this post and said to yourself: “Hey, maybe this will help me out with my doodle training luck!” OR you were perhaps brought here by a Toon who’s heard of me, or this post and wanted to share knowledge of doodles and help their fellow Toon! Who knows? However you got here, welcome! I hope you learn a lot here! In this post contains many factors about the good traits and tricks for a doodle, the ways to train, the things not to do with your doodle, and some more!
So sit back, relax, get all comfortable, and hold on before you buy that Donald’s Dreamland doodle you’ve been saving up for, here you’ll learn what works in the realm of doodles!

This page lists all blog posts that were posted on Toontown Rewritten's website during the year of 2021. It will be updated as the year progresses. 1 January 1.1 Partner Spotlight: Maxuhmillion 1.2 A Cheesy Conundrum 1.3 Hiring Management Backstage Toontown 2 February 2.1 Partner Spotlight: ToonHQ 2.2 New ValenToon's Day Downloads! 2.3 An Update on ToonFest 3 March 3.1 Pie Day is now.

Shout-out to my friends: Katy Kat, Mew, and Kittin Around! (They are in the image and I had asked them if I could get a screenshot of my Doodle for this. Thank you for that and the amazing run! Stay toony, friends!)

Hey, there! This post is being updated! I am currently working on researching more information, especially as I found there is more out there now! I am working on adding information here so that you can have the easiest time either understanding my post, or getting quick information! You can still read the information here, just know more is being added! 4/30/2021


P.S: The image I’m speaking of is only visible on my blog’s main page which you can visit if you are interested in my other Toontown Rewritten content, as well(on the main page, you can just scroll and read my posts from there and there includes an integrated image on the post that you can see!).

I hope you find this post informative as I worked rather hard on it and researched as best as I could for it and have edited many, many times to refine it and make it even more better and improved for my readers, enough babbling on, you’re here for Doodle Training, after all! Enjoy!

CONTENTS: What Doodles and Traits to Buy, For Dummies, Doodle Trick Accuracy, Time Factors For Training My Doodle? And, Over-all Tips.

This post is basically a shorter version of my older post which has many mistakes in it. I am fixing my mistakes in the other blog post and getting a fresher start. I have taken down the post, and this post is a fresh new start! Have fun training some doodles!

Now, many of you want to train your doodle quickly, yes? Well, let me tell you something very important. Stray from the path of Youtubers telling you to download a mouse recorder! I’m saying this because, that mouse recorder can get youBANNED.

The fastest way to train your doodle, is training it with friends. If you train it with more people, (If they are all training the same trick) your doodle levels up in the trick that is being trained in 1 day at the maximum, I’d say it’s quicker than that but I don’t quite know how quickly it is, BUT the time it takes to train up your doodle to the next laff point depends on the trick and it’s accuracy which you will hear about later so hang tight!

Throw out ToonHQ, nobody on there trains doodles and it will be impossible to find a group, and if you do, it will be chaos not training the same trick. Find some in-game friends and help each-other train doodles. Find a system such as taking turns at each-other’s estates to make sure that it isn’t just focused at one toon’s estate and that you can train the doodles from each estate equally, this way every-toon is happy.

←←←←←←←←←←←←←←Traits and Where to Buy→→→→→→→→→→→→→→

Some of you don’t realize there is a difference with what playground you buy your Doodle in, but there is one. It is all in the traits of the Doodle! The traits determine some aspects of how well the Doodle trains. For example, Often Playful can help your doodle do the trick more.

Eos movie recorder mac. I recommend not buying a doodle from Toontown Central, Donald’s Dock, or Daisy Gardens. Minnie’s Melodyland standard ones can be good but they have randomized traits on the doodles and it would waste your jellybeans returning and taking back several doodles to not even know you got the ones you want, and then you end up spending as mush as the DDL ones, even then, who knows if they even ARE up to par with DDL doodles? Donald’s Dreamland ones you can find one with the traits you need. The Brrgh aren’t nearly as good as Donald’s Dreamland as they say “Sometimes Tired” along with others and for a similar price, you’re better off with DDL ones which you at least know for certain will be good with the right traits.

These traits are the worst:

Always Forgets
Always Grumpy
Always Lonely
Always Restless
Often Bored
Often Confused
Often Grumpy
Often Hungry
Often Lonely
Often Restless
Often Sad
Often Tired
Rarely Affectionate

These traits are bad, kind of meh:

Toontown rewritten important tips list

Sometimes Bored
Sometimes Confused
Sometimes Forgets
Sometimes Grumpy
Sometimes Hungry
Sometimes Lonely
Sometimes Restless
Sometimes Sad
Sometimes Tired

These traits are good traits:

Often Affectionate
Often Playful
Pretty Calm
Pretty Excitable
Sometimes Affectionate
Sometimes Playful

These are the BEST traits:

Always Affectionate
Rarely Bored
Rarely Confused
Rarely Forgets
Rarely Grumpy
Rarely Lonely
Rarely Sad
Rarely Tired
Always Playful

The traits you will need are Rarely Tired, Rarely Forgets, Rarely Confused, and Always Playful. Rarely Forgets is the most important as it will be most useful for in battle, Rarely Confused is good for training, so is Always Playful. Rarely Tired will help with how often the Doodle is tired after performing a trick, with Rarely Tired the Doodle does 2 tricks before it becomes tired if it is barely trained but, this increases the higher the level the trick gets for your Doodle, all the way until maxed.

It will take a while to get a good doodle in the Donald’s Dreamland shops due to them always changing Doodles in stock everday, but it will be worth it to get a good doodle that will help you out during battle, and while you wait for a good doodle in the shops you can crush some cogs, play the trolley, go to a beanfest, or anything else to prepare for the doodle by getting jellybeans.

You will probably want to have a comfortable amount of jellybeans left after purchasing your new friend in the pet shops to spend on gags, feeding, or anything else you need in the Tooniverse.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦For dummies♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

DO NOT USE YOUR DOODLE UNLESS IT IS HIGHLY TRAINED WITH GOOD ACCURACY! Many people make this mistake and they end up going sad, or someone else goes sad. It normally isn’t worth the risk unless it is maxed, depending on the trick and it’s accuracy(More on accuracy later).

It isn’t worth chancing a hit on a trick such as Dance, Doodles aren’t always a replacement for Toon-up, try not to get carried away using your doodle too much! I’d recommend using doodles for Ubers, though, it will help a lot as they have less Laff or in a situation where they can’t use their gags without risk. And be ABSOLUTELY sure you know this will not hurt the team by you using a doodle, such as during sound strategies, etc.

Be sure to take snapshots of the doodle’s traits before buying it, that way you remember. Or maybe you could write it down or something else, perhaps!

HOW TO TRAIN IT; It is very simple, actually! You click Speed-Chat, Pets, then Tricks, then click on the trick you want to train. When the bar is filled, the trick will level up, when it levels up then it heals one more laff point to toons.
Repeat until it’s maxed! This takes awhile though! Getting friends training the same trick or 2 tricks you both want trained will likely speed up the process a little!

Spinning and Jumping and the like doesn’t make them do the trick, BUT that means you have to be sure to train the right tricks!
Train the right tricks with the higher accuracy with your doodle, the accuracy is important because if a trick you choose has low accuracy it will be risky to use in battle and potentially cause you or someone else to go sad, especially if you are Toon-up-less or someone who needs doodles for healing in a bad situation. Trick accuracy is coming up soon!

I want you to make sure that you know this very important tidbit of information about when you max a doodle trick for you and others’ safety during battle. When it is maxed the doodle does NOT, I repeat, does NOT always hit. That’s not how it works. There are accuracy ratios on each trick which next, I will tell you about bringing us to a new section of the post.

♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣Heals & Accuracy♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣

Jump:5-10 Laff heal—–When maxed 97% accuracy

Beg:6-12 Laff heal——When maxed 87.3% accuracy

Play Dead:7-14 Laff heal—–When maxed 77.6% accuracy

Rollover:8-16 Laff heal——When maxed 67.9% accuracy

Backflip:9-18 Laff heal——When maxed 58.2% accuracy

Dance:10-20 Laff heal——-When maxed 48.5% accuracy

Tips and tricks for toontown rewritten

Speak:11-22 Laff heal——-When maxed 38.8% accuracy

The accuracy of these tricks is only for when the trick is maxed out (When it reaches the peak laff it can heal, it is maxed, I have listed the maximum heals) as nobody knows the accuracies for the tricks on each individual level.

Shout-out toSerpentine Jellyfish and Cheesy Jellyfish for helping me with this section. They helped translate it into comprehend-able numbers. I had to look it up. This is where I looked it up. Maxed doodle trick accuracy?(I DO NOT OWN THIS SITE NOR AM I PARTNERED WITH IT)

♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠Care & Training♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠

When your doodle is tired or went back to excited from affectionate after training(Affectionate is what your doodle will go to if it has the affectionate trait most times), then you don’t HAVE to feed the doodle jellybeans if you don’t want to, you just have to hit the Scratch button until the doodle is back to affectionate/excited.
When training the doodle, certain speed-chat phrases can cause the doodle to become sad, angry, or excited or affectionate again once said by the Toon. Phrases from the Compliments section will cause it to become excited or affectionate again after being tired.
Meanwhile the Stinky speed-chat phrases will cause the doodles to become angry, tired or sad from excited or affectionate. Sad and angry doodles don’t do the tricks as well so you should likely stray away from the Stinky phrases. Who knows? Maybe today you can play around with some of the speed-chat phrases around your doodles!

Before the speed-chat topic ends, you’re wondering why “Stay.” doesn’t work, well, it isn’t up and running quite yet so it doesn’t work, don’t try the “Please don’t bother me.” phrase along with “Stay.” as they don’t deter doodles from you.


If you have a highly trained doodle, it will become way less tired to the point they are almost never tired, of course, in battle they DO have a limit, so be careful! If you have a doodle with Rarely Tired, but it isn’t trained yet in that trick, they last 2 tricks without being tired. If you Feed your doodle before you go do mints, factories, etc. It may have a slightly better chance be a little better and it becomes less likely it will not do the trick. Plus, if it’s maxed in a trick that has pretty good accuracy, it’s even less likely to miss!

If you are patient, you can fully train it to the next level in 1 day or 2 days with or without friends. The more friends you have helping you train them, the faster it will be. Rarely confused helps with training. The update came! The best tricks you can use are Jump, Play Dead, and Rollover. Beg might be on the list of good tricks as well.

Toontown rewritten important tips guide

During training, you may notice that Rarely Tired doodle is 1 trick and tired, but that’s because it’s been doing the trick repeatedly and really tired, you can reset the doodles’ tired for training by going to the playground for a little bit and going back to the estate. Once you pick up training for awhile though, they will go back to being 1 trick tired since they have been doing the trick a lot, don’t worry, that Rarely Tired doodle is still 2 tricks tired, it’s just trained for a long while.

Training the doodle in battle is not nearly as effective and not to mention risky, after all, in the estate the doodle will recover from being tired and be able to do the trick, sometimes while tired, compared to in battle, it does the trick less, stays tired for forever, and you are stuck in battle with cogs which will start to lower your laff drastically.

You noticed while you are training your doodles that they kind of do a weird 360 degree circle and purposefully walk out of the range that your trick commands reach, right?

Well, there ARE a few things you could potentially do, such as back them into a corner, jump onto a roof, you could do the floating glitch with friends or an alt one toon saying “Here girl/boy!” while floating and the others saying the command(to stay awake you just have to type but not enter in the chat a random letter), if you have friends/alts training with you then maybe you could try corralling them.
These are all some ideas on things you could do potentially to stop this very, very problematic issue we all have been facing as doodle trainers.

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊Time factors for training my doodle?◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

There’s several factors for how long it will take you to train your doodle, the factor is the time the animation of the trick is, the accuracy of the trick, and then there’s how many levels there are to level up your doodle in the trick.

If you train Speak, it’s animation is shorter but it has a 38.8% chance of hitting, and that’s when it’s maxed out, very unfortunate, and then there’s the maximum 22 laff heal you have to grind up.
Then there’s Play Dead, with a longer animation, sure, but it’s accuracy is 77.6% when maxed which is drastically better, and it has the maximum 14 laff heal, but it really depends, doesn’t it?

This will take awhile but with help and determination you will be able to do it. Just please, don’t hack to train a doodle, it won’t just ruin your chances of maxing it, it will keep you from playing on that account you worked so hard on. You know? The one with several 100-laffers, maxed doodles, maybe even a 137, oh and those favorite toons, and clan toons, etc.

Toontown Rewritten Important Tips List

I’m not sure EXACTLY how long it will take, possible I could be wrong. You have to wait for the animation to be over to make the doodle do it again, and tricks such as Play Dead have pretty long animations, and then there might be the accuracy of the tricks slowing them down, and how many laff points it has at maximum. It all really depends on the trick trained, I guess.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Overall Tips♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • Don’t use your doodle much in factories or mints or bosses unless you are Toon-up-less with a doodle that is maxed in a trick that will work a decent amount of the time.
  • Don’t give a reaction if people insult your doodle. They leech off of your reaction! Sometimes Trolls will target you.
  • Invite some friends over to your Estate soon to train your doodles! It will really help out with the training and it will help them train their doodles, too!
  • If your doodle is not there if you are at a friend’s Estate, Go to The Estate and teleport to your friend again and poof! Then they reappear! (Tell this to your friends if it happens to them, as this is a glitch that I don’t know if it was fixed.)
  • If all of your doodles (except the doodle of the Toon you are playing as) are missing, don’t panic. Go to the playground and back and all your doodles are safe and sound in your estate.
  • Why when you spam the trick they don’t do the trick as often is because you need to wait for your doodle to start panting again, or to go back to slouching if tired. If they are Affectionate the easiest way to tell if they are ready to do tricks again is to click on one doodle’s name tag and wait for the options on the profile to turn white again.
  • Throw out ToonHQ, it’s chaos with impossible-to-find groups, and there will be many people not training the same trick which will be chaos and slower training, not to mention that you can’t FIND a group all training your trick because it’s speed-chat only.
  • I highly recommend Play Dead and Jump! They are very good tricks with good accuracy, Play Dead is slightly chancy, though, so be careful out there!

I hope that you found everything very informative and helpful and don’t forget that I have other informative posts for Gardening/Fishing, for The V.P and C.F.O, and other posts, for a full map of all of the helpful and informative posts on here I put together a post for links to all of the other posts to make my blog a little bit more easy to navigate for my readers! So go ahead through here!: Welcome Post

Stay Toony, my friends, and keep crushing those Cogs!

Toontown Rewritten Tutorial

LINK CREDITS: Toontown Rewritten Wiki, and a Reddit thread about Doodle Accuracy ratios.