Willys L134 Engine Serial Numbers
Willys 641087 (transition) CJ2A Block. Willys 641087 CJ3A Block. Willys 641087 M38/MC Block. Willy 804380 M38/MC Block. The Willys L134 is a straight-4 automobile engine that was made famous in the Willys MB and Ford GPW Jeep produced during World War II. It powered nearly all the. A different number (the exact serial number(s) at which these changes occurred is uncertain. Approximates in the graphs below have been gleaned from owner reports in the CJ-2A Information Database). Engine numbers: Willys produced more engines than vehicles. The L-134 'Go-Devil' engine was used in many commercial applications besides CJ-2A. You have between a 1946-1949 Willys Truck / Station Wagon. You have between a 1950-1953 Willys Truck / Station Wagon. Is your 6 cylinder motor a flat head.
Casting Numbers Tell?
Basic information about your jeep..
Because the 134 cu. in.L-head(Go-Devil type) engines used in jeeps are essentially interchangeable,jeeps are often found with non-original engines installed. The castingnumbers on an engine or block can be used to help determine what engineyour vehicle has. The casting numbers are part of theenginecasting and are not stamped onto the metal of the block like a serialnumber.(See serialnumber page). Generally, the block casting numbers are foundon the right side of the engine block below the distributor. The blockcasting numbers are raised-not stamped. The head casting numbers arenormallyon the topof the head in the right front corner. Head casting numbers areeitherraised or recessed, but not stamped.
It is helpful to know thecastingnumber needed when searching for correct replacement blocks or headsforyour MB or GPW.
Media fire com minecraft pe 1 1 5 1. Note: This table is underconstructionand may contain errors -(Ren Bernier, 12/9/02)
(Information contributed by JoePotter, Alisdair Brass, Jon Rogers, Mark Tombleson, Jim Kilborn, FredColdwelland others.)
Vehicle | Block# | Head# | Images of CastingNos. |
MB 1941-45 | 638632 | 639660 | |
GPW 1942-45 | GPW 6015 | 6050 | |
CJ2A 1946-49 | 641087 (Very earlyblocks - 638632) | 640161 | CJ2A Engine CJ2AHead |
CJ3A 1950-53 | 641087 | 640161 | CJ3A Engine CJ3A Head |
M38 1950-52 | 641087 through s/n MC74419 804380 after s/n MC74419 | 800376 | |
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