Xkas Tool

  1. Xkas Tutorial
Oct 11th, 2017

Xkas 0.06: Command line SNES cross assembler. Byuu: Download: xkas+ 14.1: Fork of xkas that add syntax support and improve things. Revenant: Download: Asar: SNES assembler based on xkas. Alcaro: Download: DUDE: 65816 GUI disassembler. Drakkhen: Download: bsnes-plus 0.73-3a: Fork of bsnes-classic with new debugging features and improvements. Free Randomizer Tools. Lottery Quick Pick is perhaps the Internet's most popular with over 120 lotteries. Number Generator makes random numbers in configurable intervals.

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  1. ;this file made for xkas
  2. ;variable locations (these are lowrom addresses) (these addresses should match the ones on the include below)
  3. !CodeOffset = $B08000
  4. !SetBank = #$B1
  5. !SetBank2 = #$B2 ;should always be 1 more than SetBank1 (not sure if it's same with HiRom)
  6. !MapOffset = #$8000
  7. !ColBank = #$B3
  8. org $B18000
  9. incbin introfiles/intro.map
  10. org $B39000
  11. ;start of rom position, should be 00:FF00 if it's HiRom (use LunarAdress to tell which it is)
  12. JMP !CodeOffset
  13. org !CodeOffset
  14. CLC
  15. SEP #$30
  16. LDA #$00
  17. PLB
  18. STA $2100
  19. STA $2101
  20. STA $2103
  21. STA $2106
  22. STA $2108
  23. STA $210A
  24. STA $210C
  25. STA $210D
  26. STA $210E
  27. STA $210F
  28. STA $2110
  29. STA $2111
  30. STA $2112
  31. STA $2113
  32. STA $2114
  33. LDA #$80
  34. LDA #$00
  35. STA $2117
  36. STA $211B
  37. STA $211B
  38. STA $211C
  39. STA $211D
  40. STA $211E
  41. STA $211E
  42. STA $211F
  43. STA $2120
  44. STA $2121
  45. STA $2124
  46. STA $2126
  47. STA $2128
  48. STA $212A
  49. LDA #$01
  50. LDA #$00
  51. STA $212E
  52. LDA #$30
  53. LDA #$00
  54. LDA #$E0
  55. LDA #$00
  56. LDA #$01 ;auto read joypads
  57. STA $4200
  58. STA $4201
  59. STA $4202
  60. STA $4204
  61. STA $4206
  62. STA $4208
  63. STA $420A
  64. STA $420C
  65. REP #$30
  66. LDA #$03
  67. LDA #$01
  68. LDA #$00
  69. LDA #$01
  70. ;JSR $2201
  71. LDX #$8000
  72. LDX #$1801
  73. LDX !MapOffset
  74. LDA !MapBank
  75. LDX #$0C00
  76. LDA #$01
  77. LDA #$00
  78. LDX #$2200
  79. LDX !ColOffset
  80. LDA !ColBank
  81. LDX #$0200 ;512 colors
  82. LDA #$01
  83. JSR Jump1
  84. ;copy first half #$8000
  85. STX $2116
  86. STX $4300
  87. STX $4302
  88. STA $4304
  89. STX $4305
  90. STA $420B
  91. ;copy bottom half #$6000 in size
  92. STX $4302
  93. STA $4304
  94. STX $4305
  95. STA $420B
  96. STA $2100
  97. JSR Jump2
  98. CMP #$10
  99. {
  100. LDX #$0030
  101. Jump3:
  102. LDY #$FFFF
  103. Jump4:
  104. BNE Jump4
  105. Jump5:
  106. LDA $4212
  107. BEQ Jump5
  108. Jump6:
  109. AND #$01
  110. LDA $4218
  111. BNE Jump7
  112. ;BNE Jump3 ;don't wait for keypress
  113. SEP #$20
  114. AND #$80
  115. LDA #$0F
  116. Jump10:
  117. DEC A
  118. JSR Jump2
  119. CMP #$00
  120. LDX #$0000
  121. ;old code from beginning of unchanged rom
  122. XCE
  123. REP #$10
  124. Jump1:
  125. Jump11:
  126. AND #$80
  127. PLA
  128. Jump2:
  129. Jump8:
  130. BNE Jump8
  131. pha
  132. sep #$20
  133. ; sta.l $4200
  134. Vloop:
  135. and #$80
  136. ; sta.l $4200
  137. plp
  138. rts
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Xkas Tutorial